Saturday 20 February 2016

Being at peace...

Probably a little more complicated than usual. Not everything is supposed to be simple that's life. I like the idea of things being a challenge and overcoming them, I guess that's a natural human instinct. When you're at peace it's another realm, something spiritually different. Like when I went through a couple hardships, I won't name them but the one thing I started doing was exercising and meditating, although I have to say my ass hasn't meditated in a long time, however, when I did it was a wonderful feeling of self love. My uncle once said he meditated to the point he saw his own spiritual body come out of his self and look at his being....ok, I have to say, I've never had that feeling but it was interesting to hear.
Removing negative entities in your world, yes, your world gives you a clear vision, maybe not to the route you want to get to, but at least the windscreen is clean.
Be happy about being alive, kicking and breathing. You'll have that much more happiness within yourself when you acknowledged the things you took for granted .

Do right by you.


Letting the past be the past...

It's harder than it looks, trust me, I've had my fair share of moments being in my feelings over things that I shouldn't be.
I won't lie, It's not as easy as abc, there's always open wounds, that's something that can't heal up as quick as you think.

No matter how many times I kept saying I was all good and didn't have any problems and just shrugging at the fact that I myself was fine with losing friendships I wasn't.
The truth is I still feel hurt.
So for me in this case I like to put my feelings down on to paper. It's the easiest way. Maybe even drawing. We all like to hide the idea of ourselves being hurt and sometimes the best thing to do is to set the truth free. Why not write it in a letter, now if your brave you can send it (it probably depends what's in it), but usually you can write in a letter and not send it. 
Sometimes it's the best way to relieve you from the things that built up.
That being said, don't let things build up. You end up coming out with more problems that what you originally were arguing about, not necessary, talk it through, and even if shouting comes in to play (which I wouldn't suggest) it's still out in the open, listening, is key. Communication. Without that you haven't got anything.
Whatever happened last year will not stunt your growth this year, make a pact with yourself to not lose focus, grow and experience, in all honesty...I'm still new to this myself.
