Friday 1 January 2016

For the love of friendship

For the love of friendship
September 18, 2015

 It's not a bad thing, like a flower, they blossom and die eventually to be reborn again into something new. Friendships are kinda like that, whether you both stop speak to one another for a reason or it just eventually stops because both of you have created these lives around the other person, not without the other person. Cause in the back of your mind you will always have reminiscent memories of that person by the way you touch something or the interaction of another being.
My friendships of my past have been quite solid for a significant amount of years, until I realised the other day that it was not what it all seems. Some old friends have turned into some unfavourable characters. The only reason why I was unable to see it through my eyes is cause I thought they could do no wrong, well I was wrong.
When one friendship ends, its like a end of an era, you may feel upset, or just tired for the fact that you had to work hard in a friendship when in fact, it's a 50/50 thing, and you won't even realise how much you're there for one another until you recap, all the stupid little things and the big changes that has happened over the course of your bond. Don't let someone rule over you by asking you for nice things and then in the next breath telling your soul to the next mutual friend, don't abuse a power that you both equally have, you two will have splitting or like wise the same thoughts, its not right to overthrow someone's weakness. I'm telling you this from sister to sister, sister to brother that if they don't know you when you hungry, but they know you when you homeless...we have a problem. However, if your so called 'friend' that you love dearly is someone you cant see life going on without, be a woman, be a man, sit and talk, that's what people are missing nowadays. Elaborate on the situation that made you both come to this dark place in your relationship and compromise the solution. If that can't be resolved a hand shake, and a good luck will do as equally....gut feelings, don't surpass them, question them....

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