Friday 1 January 2016

Her thoughts, my thoughts...
September 18, 2015
I was speaking to my best friend the other day over a hot chocolate and a some apple pie and custard....dont judge us... anyway,  we both have been in predicuments with the boys of London. You might know the usual, those who are willing to be with you for their convenience, but when it comes to a long term situation....nah, none of that must be discussed between you two. In all honesty, I'm not a sucker for love, it is what it is.
she asked me "Khad when are we going to find a good man in our lives, I'm tired of this man"
"fam relax, it'll happen when it happens, it just might not be our time yet"
I'm not in a rush for a relationship *fact* (I am not in one) lets say I'm on cruise control like Saints Row (gamers will understand that).
Anyway, I cant count how many times we've had this conversation, truth is, I dont know when, where and how it will happen, I might be 90 and find the person whose the other half of me I just dont know. The fact that I'd still be breathing at that point will be the bonus for me.
I'm in no rush. I have no worries, just like you, yep you my sister or brother, the one whose reading this, have nothing to worry about finding love if its not happened to you yet. Cause you know everything takes time in the hands of the universe. We all are intrigued in other peoples relationships due to the exposure of what should be their privacy, yet, I catch myself scrolling past two people showing their affection to one another on camera. Let me be real with you for a second, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, but when I see about 7 different pictures for you and your partner thats a bit of a problem, take note, I'm not the only eyes thats observing your movements....ya get me? For those who observe and ask the question 'why not me', take another note: not all is glitter and shinning, behind closed doors is a different game. Be mindful and conscious to what you expose of your private life....and I'll even take my own advice on this one.
And for my beauty that I call a sister and my bestfriend, like I always say the right person is always around the corner.....

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